# Welcome to "Lecture room"where common issues on health are discussed.
STRESS:is the body's reaction to any change that it expiriences which requires an adjustment or a response
The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental or emotional response.
The word stress is often used in a negative sense but stress isn't always bad, & it is a normal part of life.
Infact stress atimes can be positive and Spurs one to be productive,creative,prepared for challenges or stay more deeply focused.
If you feel intensely stressed that it interferes with your daily life, you may be suffering from CHRONIC stress.
Symptoms include
Inability to concerntrate.
Anxious or racing thoughts,
Constant worry,
Feeling overwhelmed.
Chest pain.
Rapid habit's
Fatigue ( unexplained tiredness)

Like any physical problem stress can be worse.
Chronic stress is treatable and with the right help can be managed..
In conclusion, Stress is healthy as long as it is not sustained
Stress is inevitable as long as man has breath in him or her
So what exactly is the reason for your STRESS?
You dropped out of school.?
I don't have a job,
I never marry & I am long overdue, so what?
I never born , eeh heh,
Etc , the list of possible challenges are
endless , but should that be a good reason to get yourself stressed to the point of requiring ,expert care, where you may be asked to do certain investigations, you end up buying prescribed medications, from your purse.
Will your worry, anxiety & tension improve the situation ?No .
so what do you do?
1) Be contented:Life is in stages & men are in sizes.
Not being content with where you are & what you have is bad.
Everyone in location 9, is feeling the heat of change,/ good governance
The economic situation + insecurity, is a glaring problem, so do not kill yourself.
Take it gently, live one day at a time.
Everyone knows the economy is hard but even at that when it comes to medication : devices, do not fall for decisions that jeopardise your health.
Challenges are not forever,, as long as there is Life, challenges will come. How you handle the issues matters.
If you are down caste, the problem multiplies
So be in good spirits.
Get excited about life
Be full of gratitude ,
if at all you lost anything in life, God is the reason you did not loose everything, at least you still have LIFE..
Dwell on the aspects of your life. that is working in your favour & continually thank GOD.
*2)Your children -if your children are the reason for your stress, Please advise yourself
If you die today, they will still fulfil destiny, even better without you.
Put your children in schools you can afford not private schools that fees will choke you
Thank you for your time,
I want to believe that someone will draw
strength from the above .
God bless