Last Updated: May 1, 2024

Welcome to Naya - The Future of Smart Networking! Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. This comprehensive document outlines our commitment to protecting your privacy and providing transparency about how we collect, use, and share your data. By using Naya, you agree to the practices described in this Data, Cookie, and Privacy Policy.

1. Information We Collect

We collect various types of information to provide and improve our services:

a. User Information

When you create an account on Naya, we collect the following:

  • Basic Information: Your name, email address, username, and a profile picture (if you choose to upload one).
  • Contact Information: Information you provide for communication purposes, such as your phone number and mailing address (optional).
  • Biographical Information: Details you choose to share, such as your bio, date of birth, gender, and interests.
  • Location Information: Your current location or the location you provide in your profile.

b. Content You Generate

We collect data about the content you create, post, or interact with on Naya, including:

  • Posts, Photos, and Videos: Any content you upload or share on Naya.
  • Messages and Conversations: Communications with other users, including private messages and group chats.
  • Connections: Information about users you connect with, including mutual connections and the content they share.

c. Usage Data

We gather information about your interactions with Naya, including:

  • Device Information: Such as your IP address, browser type, operating system, and device identifiers when you access Naya.
  • Log Data: Details about your use of Naya, such as the date and time of your interactions, referral URLs, and pages viewed.

d. Cookies and Similar Technologies

Naya uses cookies and similar technologies to enhance your experience and collect data, including:

  • Cookies: Small text files that are stored on your device to remember your preferences and provide tailored content and ads.
  • Web Beacons: Tiny graphics with unique identifiers that track your online behavior.
  • Local Storage: Technologies like HTML5 and Flash that store content information on your device.

For more details on cookies and how to manage your preferences, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

2. How We Use Your Information

We utilize the data we collect to:

a. Provide and Personalize Services

  • Profile Customization: To create and maintain your Naya profile.
  • Content Recommendations: To suggest connections, groups, events, and content based on your interests and activity.
  • Communication: To facilitate communication between you and other users.

b. Improve and Develop Naya

  • Research and Development: To enhance and optimize Naya's features, functionality, and user experience.
  • Analytics: To analyze usage patterns and gather insights for better service delivery.

c. Ensure Safety and Security

  • Fraud Prevention: To detect and prevent fraudulent activities and unauthorized access.
  • Security: To protect against security threats, spam, and abusive behavior.

d. Advertising

  • Ads on Naya: To display ads that are relevant to your interests, location, and activity on Naya. These ads may be provided by third-party advertisers.
  • Ad Measurement: To measure the effectiveness and reach of ads.
  • Ad Targeting: To show you ads based on your preferences, demographic information, and online behavior. Advertisers do not have access to your personal information.

e. Legal Compliance

  • Compliance with Laws: To comply with legal obligations, such as responding to legal requests and enforcing our policies.
  • Protection of Rights: To protect the rights, privacy, safety, and property of Naya, its users, and the public.

3. Information Sharing

Your information may be shared under the following circumstances:

a. With Your Consent

We share your information when you explicitly grant us consent to do so.

b. Service Providers

We engage trusted service providers to assist in delivering and maintaining Naya. These providers have limited access to your information to perform their tasks.

c. Legal Compliance

We may share information in response to a legal request, court order, or government inquiry to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property.

d. Business Transfers

In the event of a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets, your data may be transferred to the acquiring entity, subject to the same level of protection as outlined in this policy.

e. Public Information

Some of your information, such as your username and public profile information, is visible to other users on Naya. Please be mindful of the information you choose to share publicly.

4. Your Choices and Control

We provide you with options to manage your privacy and control the information you share:

a. Privacy Settings

You can customize your privacy settings on Naya to control who can see your information, posts, and activity.

b. Ad Preferences

You can adjust your ad preferences, opt-out of certain advertising features, or update your ad settings in your account preferences.

c. Access and Deletion

You have the right to request access to or deletion of your data. To make such requests or for any privacy-related inquiries, please contact our Data Privacy Officer at

5. Location Information

Naya may collect and use your location information to provide you with location-based services, such as:

  • Location-based Content: Showing you posts, events, or groups relevant to your location.
  • Event and Group Suggestions: Recommending local events and groups.
  • Local Advertising: Displaying ads based on your geographic location.

You can manage location services on your device or in your Naya settings to control the sharing of your location information.

6. Respect for the Privacy of Children

Naya is not intended for users under the age of 13, and we do not knowingly collect information from children. If you believe that we have inadvertently collected information from a child, please contact us immediately at, and we will take prompt action to remove such data.

7. Security Measures

We employ stringent security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. These measures include encryption, regular security audits, and access controls.

8. Changes to this Policy

Naya may update this policy periodically to reflect changes in our practices or services. We will notify you of significant changes through email or the Naya platform.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy or your privacy on Naya, please contact our Data Privacy Officer at

Thank you for entrusting Naya - The Future of Smart Networking with your privacy. We are dedicated to providing a secure and enriching social networking experience.