Have you suffered great wrongs from someone?
Did you try to excuse the person’s wrongdoing?
You’ll find it’s no easy task.

Often, however, there’s that lingering grudge
you hold against them.

But, being resentful only hurts and stresses you,
and can lead to grave health problems.

So, learning to forgive is crucial.
Letting go of grudges is essential.

Recognize The Reason For The Grudge

This is what you should do first.
Find out what caused your grudge.
Then evaluate it.

Being aware of a problem
makes it easier to find a way to solve it.

Was it a petty matter?
Were you overreacting?
If so, forget it.

Was it a major problem?
You should settle on a reasonable decision.
And go ahead from there.

What Is The Upside?

There is a negative and a positive side to everything.
Why get angry over the whole matter?

Assess the issue carefully.
What valuable lessons can you learn from it?
What useful insights have you gained?
What superior understanding did you get?

These will help you to let go easily.
It will be effortless for you not to keep further malice.

Put Yourself In Their Place

Do you often judge others too quickly?
Just put yourself into their shoes instead.

You’d get a better idea of why
they acted the way they did.
This doesn’t make their action right, though.

But you'll be able to understand their intentions.
And find it easier to forgive them.

Discuss The Matter With The Person Involved

A little misunderstanding may
have caused your grudge.
It could also be due to addressing
the issue in the wrong way.

Forget your biases.
Clarify your thoughts and feelings.

Should you continue to mull
this matter over and over?
Can you discuss it with the other person
to work out a solution?

Calm down first.
Then meet with the other individual.
Talk things over quietly,
without being judgmental.

Can you resolve this between you two?
Should you involve someone else?

This approach will remove built-up tension.
You’ll become more relaxed, too.

Forgive Them… Finally

Forgiveness does not mean you’ve forgotten
the wrong that was done to you.

To forgive is to accept the differences
between you and the other.
When you forgive,
you agree that people can make mistakes.
Because we are all human.

It’s difficult to forgive.
But it’s worthwhile.
It removes the burden of resentment from your heart.
And gives you peace of mind.

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