"Any Truth driven by belief or conviction is part of a spectrum. The Truth, is universal - no shades. The Sun, Moon, Stars, Sky, Air, Water, Fire, Land, etc, make up the Truth"....
The implication is that there is nothing that truly qualifies as truth. The Truth stands still, never shakes or moves. It invites all to come, but none goes near as our nakedness gets exposed once we approach her. On the other hand, truth is dynamic with different shades and only lasts for so long. Ask Engels and Marx what became of their truth, or atom how long it took to unmask it. Some are just adjectival and others substantive; both having shades.
You may say (as argued by a friend) that all truths are dependent on beliefs while The Truth encompasses the undeniable that when we are faced with can be convicting regardless of how hard we are at heart. The Truth is all powerful, it pierces hearts as hard as stone. Funny, the world knows of the existence of Truth but runs from it but deceitfully presents liberalism to surreptitiously and temporarily give a sense of justice.
I am inclined to argue that as a matter of fact, the Truth dwells in liberalism, if its meaning tallies with: the quality or state of being liberal, as in behavior or attitude or a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties, a movement in modern Protestantism that emphasizes freedom from tradition and authority, the adjustment of religious beliefs to scientific conceptions, and the development of spiritual capacities. The only man who has ever described Himself as the Truth is Jesus Christ. He is a liberal in all intents and purposes. He espoused transparency in all things and hid nothing from His followers. Since all things were made through Him, you experience His liberal and transparent being by simply looking at the distance between the earth and the stratosphere - open for all to see - no hidden charges. This singular element of creation gives me hope that there is no use for whispers and secrets and barriers - birds, balloons, airplanes, space crafts and anyone or thing that seeks to use the space as individuals or groups are free to go ahead.