Searching for a Tradesperson? A Pin in a Haystack in the Dark?
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Ever tried looking for a qualified tradesperson? How do you know that the electrician, mechanic, plumber or welder you get is qualified and/or can be let into your home, office or equipment? How about your tailor, make-up artist and hair dresser? It is like the proverbial search for a pin in a haystack; worse still in the dark!
How about when you need services outside your location? Your make-up artist cannot travel with you or car breaks down or you suffer a wardrobe malfunction just before leaving your hotel for a function……..
You sure have been let down by one or tradesmen with empty promises. One or two had walked on you midway on a job that had a definite deadline – wedding, birthday celebration or even funeral plans. Worse still you had parted with money in the past for poor or non execution of jobs!
Well, worry no more. is here to the rescue. Our mission is to put the cowboys out of your view and connect you to a real tradesperson at your asking. is the only app/online trade recommendation service in Nigeria and we simply connect users with the very best tradesmen in their locality. We are the Uber for artisans. Subscribing users looking for a tradesman can post jobs for free on and will receive quotes from up to 5 top rated tradesmen.
Once a user has found a tradesman through he/she can leave ratings, so that the tradesmen people use are always based on genuine experiences from previous customers. The artisans alos leave ratings on the customers. The ratings which are based on quality of work, value and reliability of the tradesman make it easy for others to hire a tradesman with confidence, while the rating of the customers is to ensure that artisans know the nature of customer seeking their services. was inspired while preparing for a very important family ceremony and the contracted builder walked out half way through the renovation project, leaving a massive mess and most painfully did not return the funds already advanced for the emergency renovation.
We decided that no one else should suffer this treatment and determined to provide people with a source of reliable tradesmen and tradeswomen.
We are now connecting thousands of Nigerians with reliable tradesmen and tradeswomen daily across the length and breadth of Nigeria.
So if you are looking for a tradesperson, download the RatedArtisan app or log onto [a][/a] sign up and post your job using the form on the home page or simply run a search.
If you are a tradesperson just log onto and click the ‘Join’ button on the home page to start receiving job offers.