Hello house,
Today let's discuss ASTHMA,
Let's begin with debunking what Asthma is not, I mean superstitions associated with asthma..
*Asthma is not a death sentence ( it is not the end of life)
*Asthma is not contagious meaning, if we are room mates in a hostel or if we are siblings of same home, that we eat from same plate or do things together does not make me suffer the dosease
*Asthma is not a condition to be Ashamed of, there is so much stigma associated with this condition that itsvictims ,get scared or hide to use their inhaler in public)
*Asthma is the most common long standing disease of childhood,usually resulting from inadequately treated airway diseases in childhood,
*With good health education & appropriate treatment, can reduce the effect of asthma on persons , diagnosed with asthma they can live quality & functional life.

Have you ever seen a whistle?
Do you know the whistling palm tree,?
Wheezing sound in Asthma patients is like the one is whistling, in efforts to undo the obstruction.because it's like they are suffocating.. so forcefully try to breath,inspite the obstruction.particukarly in exhalation ( breathing out) that whistle sound sometimes can be loud & people around can hear it.
Making correct & early diagnosis of asthma ensures early treatment and improve your expiriences of good health.
It is normal to be WORRIED,when a medical condition is diagnosed but please do not crumble under it's weight ( hopeless)
If confused, ask for explanation.

What really is asthma?
It is a condition, that affects the airway of the lungs.
In asthma the bronchi is inflamed& becomes more sensitive than normal,when you come I contact with with infection or allergy.
Asthma occurs due to Inflammation of the airwaywherby the airway is inflamed & blocked with mucus.
Signs & symptoms=
*Breathlessness or difficulty in breathing that usually starts suddenly.
*Wheeling or noisy breathing like a whistle sound from the chest particularly on exhalation( breathing out)
*A feeling of tightness in the chest, sometimes described by children as chestpain.due obstruction by extramhcus produced during the inflammation.
* Cough which is usually worse at night or early in the morning.

*what are the triggers of asthma?
A trigger is anything or event that starts the asthma symptoms,or make asthma symptoms to get worse.

So advice patients to have
Good knowledge of the disease
Recognise & avoid your triggers.
Teach patients how to use their inhalers.
Patients must have more than one inhaler.
If you drive, one in the car, another at home, one in your purse, just ensure you have it handy.
Proper & effective use of their medications
Regular check uos

Test to diagnose asthma:
Obvious whistling sound on exhalation.
Spirometer: Patient breaths into the machine that that measure how fast you can breath.out& how much air you hold in your lungs.
*Fenotest :You breath into the machine& it measures the level of Nitro acid in your breathing which is a sign of inflammation in your lungs.

Causes( triggers)
Infection in the upper airway, such as cold,
Changes in weather& temperature.
Physical expression of strong feelings(crying,/ laughing hard,yelling)
Strong odours eg perfume, insecticide,izal etc
Environmental tobacco.
Burning bush, choking frying oil, peper
Pollens from grass trees
Dust from rug, dirty curtains/ blinds
Chalk dust.
Strainous exercises
Some type of pills.
Furred or feathers animals
Certain toys