How to Stop Comparing Yourself with Others in Life

Do you often compare yourself with others?
Do you complain that your house is not as big as your friend’s?
Do you grumble that your colleague’s car is flashier than yours?

Are you whining that your neighbor’s family is happier?
Are you querying why others make so much money compared to you?
Do you dissatisfied with your social status in relation to your associates?

Many people engage in this common harmful habit every day.
This distasteful practice will create negativity in you.
It will affect how you relate with others and make you quite disagreeable.

What, then, should you do?
How can you stop comparing yourself with others in life?

If you have considered stopping this unhelpful habit,
the following three tips will surely come in handy.

If You Must Win, Don’t Compare Yourself with Others

It’s important to understand this.
And imprint it consciously in your mind.

You might have worked hard; you may have put in loads of effort; you could have done everything you could positively do…
Yet, there will always be somebody better than you.
There will always be those who have more than you.

Realize this reality.
It will help you tremendously.

So, what if you just bought a bigger, better, more powerful car than your neighbor?
Sooner or later, you’ll find someone with a more luxurious car.
It’s therefore worthless to compare yourself with others endlessly.

Compare Yourself with Yourself if Necessary

You don’t have to compare yourself with others.
Instead, let the comparison be between yourself and yourself.

Sit back comfortably.
Take several deep breaths.
And relax.

Consider your progress in life.
Evaluate your growth in different areas.
Identify your achievements.

Determine how close you are to other goals.
And what you need to do to reach them.
This will make you kinder to yourself.
You’ll appreciate yourself and your efforts more.

You’ll be thankful to see the hurdles you’ve passed on the way to success.
You’ll feel awesome about yourself.
You’ll see no reason to depreciate others.

You might find the following exercise useful.
It’s something you can do every weekend.

Take some time and write out your achievements
Note how close you’re to your goals in life.

What more steps will bring you nearer to them?
What lessons have you learned?
How can you make such insights useful in your life?

Learn to be Kind

Have you ever imagined this?
Your thoughts about ourself will reflect in your behavior toward others.

Do you judge or criticize yourself frequently?
Then, you’ll most likely do that to others often.

The other interesting fact is this.
Make the effort to be kind and helpful to others.
Being kinder to yourself will, therefore, be easier.

Focus on what’s positive in you.
Concentrate on the positive in others.
Look out for what’s good in life.
This will soon help you stop comparing yourself with others.
And your life will become happier and more contented.

Emeka Enechi is feeling Happy
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Giants of our time......

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What is “The Greater Fool Theory”?

The greater fool theory argues that:

1. The reason rotten meat sells is that fools must come to the market daily.

2. In trade, prices go up because people (fools) are able to sell overpriced securities to a greater fool whether or not they are overvalued – until there are no fools left.

3. The theory implies that (fools) investors are most likely to ignore valuations, earnings reports and all other data as well as the fundamentals that involve understanding and company ownership when investing in an asset.

In a nutshell, Ponzi is the base of the Greater Fool Theory.

Emeka Enechi is listening to Chike & Simi
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Emeka Enechi is listening to Chike & Simi
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Emeka Enechi is listening to Chike & Simi
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2 yrs - Youtube

Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon

"And I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish." John 10:28

The Christian should never think or speak lightly of unbelief. For a child of God to mistrust his love, his truth, his faithfulness, must be greatly displeasing to him. How can we ever grieve him by doubting his upholding grace? Christian! it is contrary to every promise of God's precious Word that thou shouldst ever be forgotten or left to perish. If it could be so, how could he be true who has said, "Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I never forget thee." What were the value of that promise--"The mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee." Where were the truth of Christ's words--"I give unto my sheep eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand." Where were the doctrines of grace? They would be all disproved if one child of God should perish. Where were the veracity of God, his honour, his power, his grace, his covenant, his oath, if any of those for whom Christ has died, and who have put their trust in him, should nevertheless be cast away? Banish those unbelieving fears which so dishonour God. Arise, shake thyself from the dust, and put on thy beautiful garments. Remember it is sinful to doubt his Word wherein he has promised thee that thou shalt never perish. Let the eternal life within thee express itself in confident rejoicing.

"The gospel bears my spirit up:

A faithful and unchanging God

Lays the foundation for my hope,

In oaths, and promises, and blood."

"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27:1

"The Lord is my light and my salvation." Here is personal interest, "my light," "my salvation;" the soul is assured of it, and therefore declares it boldly. Into the soul at the new birth divine light is poured as the precursor of salvation; where there is not enough light to reveal our own darkness and to make us long for the Lord Jesus, there is no evidence of salvation. After conversion our God is our joy, comfort, guide, teacher, and in every sense our light: he is light within, light around, light reflected from us, and light to be revealed to us. Note, it is not said merely that the Lord gives light, but that he is light; nor that he gives salvation, but that he is salvation; he, then, who by faith has laid hold upon God, has all covenant blessings in his possession. This being made sure as a fact, the argument drawn from it is put in the form of a question, "Whom shall I fear?" A question which is its own answer. The powers of darkness are not to be feared, for the Lord, our light, destroys them; and the damnation of hell is not to be dreaded by us, for the Lord is our salvation. This is a very different challenge from that of boastful Goliath, for it rests, not upon the conceited vigour of an arm of flesh, but upon the real power of the omnipotent I AM. "The Lord is the strength of my life." Here is a third glowing epithet, to show that the writer's hope was fastened with a threefold cord which could not be broken. We may well accumulate terms of praise where the Lord lavishes deeds of grace. Our life derives all its strength from God; and if he deigns to make us strong, we cannot be weakened by all the machinations of the adversary. "Of whom shall I be afraid?" The bold question looks into the future as well as the present. "If God be for us," who can be against us, either now or in time to come?

Happy birthday Uyi Okundaye. Live long, in good health and prosperity.