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It is who you are - Vertical Worship.

Emeka Enechi is feeling Cool
2 yrs

The week has just began.

It is who you are - Vertical Worship.

Emeka Enechi is feeling Cool
2 yrs

The week has just began.

It is who you are - Vertical Worship.

Emeka Enechi is feeling Cool
2 yrs

The week has just began.

It is who you are - Vertical Worship.


The battle continues. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/he....alth/article-1089046

Doctors left shocked after clinical trial for cancer drug cures the disease in every participant  | Daily Mail Online

Doctors left shocked after clinical trial for cancer drug cures the disease in every participant  | Daily Mail Online

Clinical trials for the drug dostarlimab in treating colorectal cancer have had incredible results, curing all patients of their cancer.

How To Get Unusually Far In Life With Kindness


When you think of kindness, you should
be sure about two things.
Being kind is not a weakness.
It’s often not easy to be kind.

What Is Kindness

Many people often consider a kind person as spineless.
He’s taken to be an individual who’d
apologize for what’s no fault of his;
he keeps no boundaries and
so people take undue advantage of him;
he’s so self-effacing others trample upon him.

These are all wrong ways to think of kindness.
What, truly then, is kindness?

You’ll soon realize that kindness is not being weak.
And it’s not easy.

Sometimes, you want to avoid a skirmish;
you want to dodge a hostile situation;
you want to portray you ae not being mean.

So, you do a kind deed to appear nice.
You, therefore, neglect the possible
harmful effects of your actions.

This is rather regrettable.
Because you’re not really kind by
“being nice” in situations like that.

How To Be Kind

To be kind, you need to be patient;
you have to be strong;
and you must be wise.

Have you ever heard of random acts of kindness?
And the idea of paying it forward?

You “pay” a kind deed “forward”.
Yet, you expect nothing in return.

So, what’s your payout?
What do you get as a payoff?
Your kind action makes you feel better and happier.

Spread joy, goodwill, and good feelings
with regular acts of kindness.
And you’ll enjoy your relationships more.
You’ll enjoy greater improvements in health.
You’ll live an awesome, joyous life.

Kindness Is Not Expensive

So, is it easy to be kind?
Yes… when you think about it in your daily activities.
Being kind doesn’t cost a penny.
Yet, each person involved receives some happiness

And, when you are kind to somebody, that person can be
motivated and inspired to be kind to another.
A virtuous circle is created as more people
show kindness to others.

People will look out for the good in other people.
They will love to share their positive feelings and joyful moments.
Negativity, stress, and depression will diminish.

Practice kindness and you will notice a refreshingly
different change in your mood and attitude.

Are you feeling depressed?
And you think you don’t have something to give?
You can share a smile or make someone laugh.
You can give useful advice or lend a helping hand.
You can share a happy, inspiring experience.

You can’t remain depressed or
negative after doing kind deeds.
When you are kind, you gain.
Everyone else that’s involved also benefits.

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