Verse of the Day: But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4

Are You Truly Committed to Excellence with Your Business?

What is the best way for you to really
commit to following a path of excellence?

It’s by having a great mindset.

Once you have this in place,
it will be much easier to focus on
really committing to excellence.

Can you truthfully say that you
strive to do your best every day?

If you run an online business,
do you put out excellent products?
Or do you just try and put out a product
that will generate lots of sales quickly?

What about customer support?
Do you even have a customer support
system in place?

You are not being asked to be perfect.
That is not possible.
The suggestion is that you should be
accountable for your actions.

You commit to excellence this way.

When you run an online business,
it is so easy to hide behind your website.
You don't have a physical storefront.
So, you don't see your customers in person.
You manage everything behind the scenes.

Therefore, bear this in mind.

You have choices for how to
commit to business excellence.
And, these choices do matter enormously.

It’s easy to just hash out quick
money-making products.
But, it’s far better for you to focus
on how you can add value to your products.

What can you do to help your customers use your products?

This even applies even if you
promote products as an affiliate.
Are you promoting products simply
to make quick cash?

You should instead recommend high-quality
kinds of stuff and tools that you know
your customers can actually use.
And benefit from.

This makes a big difference.

Any product that you promote should be of high quality.
It should be useful to your customers.

It's even better if you actually use this product yourself.
This shows integrity and sincerity to your list of customers.

Do you want to excel with your business?
Then quality really does count.
This should apply to your own products
as well as to those that you promote.

It should also pertain to the way
you market your business online.
The business image you portray online
will define how people perceive your excellence.

Do you run engaging social media campaigns?
Are seen interacting in various places?
This will make you look open and approachable.

Don’t try to do a million things for your business.
Focus on one activity at a time.
As you perform this activity,
concentrate all of your energy and passion on it.

This is the easiest way to develop
excellence in your business.

Did you enjoy this article?
Then, share it with your family, friends, and associates.

Do you have any questions or comments?
Let us know in the comments section.


Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon

"Sanctified by God the Father."
Jude 1

"Sanctified in Christ Jesus."

1 Corinthians 1:2

"Through sanctification of the Spirit."

1 Peter 1:2

Mark the union of the Three Divine Persons in all their gracious acts. How unwisely do those believers talk who make preferences in the Persons of the Trinity; who think of Jesus as if he were the embodiment of everything lovely and gracious, while the Father they regard as severely just, but destitute of kindness. Equally wrong are those who magnify the decree of the Father, and the atonement of the Son, so as to depreciate the work of the Spirit. In deeds of grace none of the Persons of the Trinity act apart from the rest. They are as united in their deeds as in their essence. In their love towards the chosen they are one, and in the actions which flow from that great central source they are still undivided. Specially notice this in the matter of sanctification. While we may without mistake speak of sanctification as the work of the Spirit, yet we must take heed that we do not view it as if the Father and the Son had no part therein. It is correct to speak of sanctification as the work of the Father, of the Son, and of the Spirit. Still doth Jehovah say, "Let us make man in our own image after our likeness," and thus we are "his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." See the value which God sets upon real holiness, since the Three Persons in the Trinity are represented as co-working to produce a Church without "spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing." And you, believer, as the follower of Christ, must also set a high value on holiness--upon purity of life and godliness of conversation. Value the blood of Christ as the foundation of your hope, but never speak disparagingly of the work of the Spirit which is your meetness for the inheritance of the saints in light. This day let us so live as to manifest the work of the Triune God in us.

"His heavenly kingdom." 2 Timothy 4:18

Yonder city of the great King is a place of active service. Ransomed spirits serve him day and night in his temple. They never cease to fulfil the good pleasure of their King. They always "rest," so far as ease and freedom from care is concerned; and never "rest," in the sense of indolence or inactivity. Jerusalem the golden is the place of communion with all the people of God. We shall sit with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in eternal fellowship. We shall hold high converse with the noble host of the elect, all reigning with him who by his love and his potent arm has brought them safely home. We shall not sing solos, but in chorus shall we praise our King. Heaven is a place of victory realized. Whenever, Christian, thou hast achieved a victory over thy lusts--whenever after hard struggling, thou hast laid a temptation dead at thy feet--thou hast in that hour a foretaste of the joy that awaits thee when the Lord shall shortly tread Satan under thy feet, and thou shalt find thyself more than conqueror through him who hath loved thee. Paradise is a place of security. When you enjoy the full assurance of faith, you have the pledge of that glorious security which shall be yours when you are a perfect citizen of the heavenly Jerusalem. O my sweet home, Jerusalem, thou happy harbour of my soul! Thanks, even now, to him whose love hath taught me to long for thee; but louder thanks in eternity, when I shall possess thee.

"My soul has tasted of the grapes,

And now it longs to go

Where my dear Lord his vineyard keeps

And all the clusters grow.

"Upon the true and living vine,

My famish'd soul would feast,

And banquet on the fruit divine,

An everlasting guest."

Verse of the Day: But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4

Be the person who still tries.

After failure, After frustration, After disappointment, after exhaustion, after heartache, be the person who musters up the courage to believe that a new attempt can manifest a new outcome.

Be the person who still tries

When you can't control what's happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what is happening.

Thats where the power is.

Are You Really Committed to Excellence?

Have you ever heard of the term
'committed to excellence'?
Do you really understand what it means?

Here is how Aristotle defined what excellence is.

"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."

You can see immediately that excellence is a habit.
And, yes, you guessed right.
Any habit can be formed.

What is the best way to create a new habit?
Set yourself new goals and create a plan of action.

Let's see how you can do this.

First you must define your reasons.
You should be clear why you want
to commit to excellence.

Is this related to your business,
your family life
or for some other reason?

It might be helpful to write
down the reasons why
you want to achieve this goal.

Is your aim to stay committed to
excellence for your business?

There are simple actionable steps
that you can put into place.

In handling your business customers,
demand more from yourself than they do of you.

Here are a few ways to easily please your clients:
• give more value,
• deliver more than usual,
• finish the work ahead of schedule,
• Add in a bonus or two.

Here is another way to improve
your business through excellence.

Portray a professional image.
Make sure that your website, logo,
brochure information, business cards etc.
are all up to date and modern looking.

If not, this is one simple area to make improvements.

You can also offer excellence in customer service.
Ensure you have a great customer service center.
This could be online or offline.

It is very easy to set up online help desks today.
You can even create one using Google Hangouts.

Deliver quality customer service to
your clients and your customers.
And you’d easily provide excellence.

Always respond to tickets in a timely manner.
Never get angry at the customer,
regardless of the situation.

Do you want to excel in your life?
Then, you can start by trying to
do the best that you can.

Do this consistently enough.
And you will have that air of excellence surrounding you.

This will rub off on other people.
And they will begin to view you in a different light.

Did you enjoy this article?
Then, share it with your family,
friends, and associates.

Do you have any questions or comments?
Let us know in the comments section.


Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon

"After that ye have suffered awhile, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you." 1 Peter 5:10

You have seen the arch of heaven as it spans the plain: glorious are its colours, and rare its hues. It is beautiful, but, alas, it passes away, and lo, it is not. The fair colours give way to the fleecy clouds, and the sky is no longer brilliant with the tints of heaven. It is not established. How can it be? A glorious show made up of transitory sun-beams and passing rain-drops, how can it abide? The graces of the Christian character must not resemble the rainbow in its transitory beauty, but, on the contrary, must be stablished, settled, abiding. Seek, O believer, that every good thing you have may be an abiding thing. May your character not be a writing upon the sand, but an inscription upon the rock! May your faith be no "baseless fabric of a vision," but may it be builded of material able to endure that awful fire which shall consume the wood, hay, and stubble of the hypocrite. May you be rooted and grounded in love. May your convictions be deep, your love real, your desires earnest. May your whole life be so settled and established, that all the blasts of hell, and all the storms of earth shall never be able to remove you. But notice how this blessing of being "stablished in the faith" is gained. The apostle's words point us to suffering as the means employed--"After that ye have suffered awhile." It is of no use to hope that we shall be well rooted if no rough winds pass over us. Those old gnarlings on the root of the oak tree, and those strange twistings of the branches, all tell of the many storms that have swept over it, and they are also indicators of the depth into which the roots have forced their way. So the Christian is made strong, and firmly rooted by all the trials and storms of life. Shrink not then from the tempestuous winds of trial, but take comfort, believing that by their rough discipline God is fulfilling this benediction to you.

"Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation." Joel 1:3

In this simple way, by God's grace, a living testimony for truth is always to be kept alive in the land--the beloved of the Lord are to hand down their witness for the gospel, and the covenant to their heirs, and these again to their next descendants. This is our first duty, we are to begin at the family hearth: he is a bad preacher who does not commence his ministry at home. The heathen are to be sought by all means, and the highways and hedges are to be searched, but home has a prior claim, and woe unto those who reverse the order of the Lord's arrangements. To teach our children is a personal duty; we cannot delegate it to Sunday school teachers, or other friendly aids; these can assist us, but cannot deliver us from the sacred obligation; proxies and sponsors are wicked devices in this case: mothers and fathers must, like Abraham, command their households in the fear of God, and talk with their offspring concerning the wondrous works of the Most High. Parental teaching is a natural duty--who so fit to look to the child's well-being as those who are the authors of his actual being? To neglect the instruction of our offspring is worse than brutish. Family religion is necessary for the nation, for the family itself, and for the church of God. By a thousand plots Popery is covertly advancing in our land, and one of the most effectual means for resisting its inroads is left almost neglected, namely, the instruction of children in the faith. Would that parents would awaken to a sense of the importance of this matter. It is a pleasant duty to talk of Jesus to our sons and daughters, and the more so because it has often proved to be an accepted work, for God has saved the children through the parents' prayers and admonitions. May every house into which this volume shall come honour the Lord and receive his smile.