Happy weekend house,
Let's discuss Cholestrol
Cholesterol is a WAXLIKE ( grease like) )substance produced in human body,also found in animal products like cowtail, cowleg, meat generally.
. unfortunately excess cholestrol builds up inside the arthries.
Cholestrol begins building from childhood and is necessary for growth in early life.
After 18-22 years, when height stops growing, cholestrol begins to accumulate,
So if careless & continue eating junk foods,eg small chops, street fried foods, example fried yam , potatoes dodo, head of fish ,buns, doughnut ,etc
Sugar-laden foods,like cake etc alcohol etc..
Cholestrol will continue to pile up in your blood vessel
With the above, explanation,+ lifestyle adjustment,
You agree with me that to increase or decrease cholestrol is in our hands , abi?
Types of cholesterol are two
1)HDL = good cholestrol
2) LDL= bad cholesterol, which causes stroke.
Lipo proteins are main carriers of cholesterol.

How cholestrol is tested: blood sample only.
Lipid panel measures the fat in your blood.
High cholesterol typically does not make you
sick sick.
Occasionally patient complain of
*inability to concerntrate in sleep
*Chest tightness
Having cholesterol is not a factor of o, she is fat, she is likely to be having cholesterol, or she is slim, she can't have cholestrol.
Blood sample is the medium fordisgnosis
It is not written on the face.
Values in cholestrol are:
200md/dl= good/ desirable
200-239= borderline to high risk
240or higher =Crisis
We advice life style change,
Eat less fat,fried foods,
Eat more soluble fibre, vegetables,fruits,
Stop habit of eating late & go straight to bed, particularly fried food..
Breakfast should be completely oil free,
So for breakfast, iatsis the best for lowering cholestrol & moimoi is preferred to akara, because, you can determine the amount of oil in the moi moi , unlike the akara that is deep fry atimes you can squeeze out oil from the akara .
Note: High blood sugar,,causes pinholes to be created in your blood vessels,
& Cholestrol fits/ fill in the holes, No pinholes, No build up.
So getting sugar down, prevents heart attack & stroke.