This Is How To Find Your Purpose In Life

Are you confused about what your purpose in life is?
Do you marvel at what anything has got to do
with your calling in life?

Don’t you sense the need for a
higher reason for being alive?
Haven’t you felt there must be a
lofty purpose for your existence?

You should realize by now that you
weren’t born to simply coast through life.
And then die.

Have you thought of why you have certain sorts
of experiences?
Have you figured out the reasons why?
Your life experiences are meant to prepare you
for a higher calling, a greater good.

So, what should you do to discover your calling in life?
What steps can you take to find your life purpose?

You can do this in several ways.

You’ll need to ponder often, contemplate deeply,
and meditate regularly to achieve this task.

Maintain a quiet, conducive place where you can
be alone and open up to yourself.
Take a few deep breaths to help you relax.

Think about your experiences in life.
These may have been pleasing or hurtful, happy or painful.

What did you learn about yourself from these experiences?
What insights did you gain about people generally?

How did you handle those circumstances?
Did you deal with them in a healthy manner?
Were you unable to cope?
And so handled them poorly?
What is the difference?

Questions like these can give you clues
as to what your purpose in life is.

Has your life been full of suffering and pain?
Such experiences can lead you to your calling in life.
And this can help you heal yourself.

This is how this can help you heal.
Don’t ever think that you have suffered in vain.
Don’t accept that you are worthless…
that your life doesn’t matter.

Share your sufferings and how you overcame them.
Then, your life purpose is revealed…

You will uplift others who might have suffered in a similar way.
You become a light, a beacon of hope to people who feel no one cares for their pain… that nobody tries to understand their suffering.

Yours becomes a rallying call and an inspiration to them...
That they can aspire to conquer their suffering and so heal themselves.

Here is another method to know your purpose in life.

Think deeply about things that bring you real joy.
What activities or situations make you happy?
What events or circumstances elate you and
elevate your spirits?

Can you use this energy to do what makes others joyous?
Will you learn to uplift others proficiently?
This would be awesome, wouldn’t it?

So take your time.
Devise the ways and means to use your
light and positive energy as your life purpose.

It can take years to find your purpose in life.
It could take most of your life to think back and ponder,
to realize what your true calling in life is.

But, find it...
And you will discover such profound peace,
contentment, and fulfillment.
The kind that is absent from those yet
to realize their life purpose.

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