How to Stop Comparing Yourself with Others in Life

Do you often compare yourself with others?
Do you complain that your house is not as big as your friend’s?
Do you grumble that your colleague’s car is flashier than yours?

Are you whining that your neighbor’s family is happier?
Are you querying why others make so much money compared to you?
Do you dissatisfied with your social status in relation to your associates?

Many people engage in this common harmful habit every day.
This distasteful practice will create negativity in you.
It will affect how you relate with others and make you quite disagreeable.

What, then, should you do?
How can you stop comparing yourself with others in life?

If you have considered stopping this unhelpful habit,
the following three tips will surely come in handy.

If You Must Win, Don’t Compare Yourself with Others

It’s important to understand this.
And imprint it consciously in your mind.

You might have worked hard; you may have put in loads of effort; you could have done everything you could positively do…
Yet, there will always be somebody better than you.
There will always be those who have more than you.

Realize this reality.
It will help you tremendously.

So, what if you just bought a bigger, better, more powerful car than your neighbor?
Sooner or later, you’ll find someone with a more luxurious car.
It’s therefore worthless to compare yourself with others endlessly.

Compare Yourself with Yourself if Necessary

You don’t have to compare yourself with others.
Instead, let the comparison be between yourself and yourself.

Sit back comfortably.
Take several deep breaths.
And relax.

Consider your progress in life.
Evaluate your growth in different areas.
Identify your achievements.

Determine how close you are to other goals.
And what you need to do to reach them.
This will make you kinder to yourself.
You’ll appreciate yourself and your efforts more.

You’ll be thankful to see the hurdles you’ve passed on the way to success.
You’ll feel awesome about yourself.
You’ll see no reason to depreciate others.

You might find the following exercise useful.
It’s something you can do every weekend.

Take some time and write out your achievements
Note how close you’re to your goals in life.

What more steps will bring you nearer to them?
What lessons have you learned?
How can you make such insights useful in your life?

Learn to be Kind

Have you ever imagined this?
Your thoughts about ourself will reflect in your behavior toward others.

Do you judge or criticize yourself frequently?
Then, you’ll most likely do that to others often.

The other interesting fact is this.
Make the effort to be kind and helpful to others.
Being kinder to yourself will, therefore, be easier.

Focus on what’s positive in you.
Concentrate on the positive in others.
Look out for what’s good in life.
This will soon help you stop comparing yourself with others.
And your life will become happier and more contented.