You Need To Embrace And Just Be Yourself Now


Don’t you often have worries, doubts, and fears?
Sometimes you have this feeling of insecurity all around.
At other times, your heart just keeps pounding loudly.

The trepidation might be so strong.
The negativity may be so encompassing…
You may feel you could be happier if you were someone else.

The Grass Appears Greener on the Other Side

Do you think the grass is much greener on the other side?
Your experiences might make you feel so.
But, more often than not, you’d be wrong.

The person you envy could be more worried, more afraid,
or more insecure than you.

So, you think Bill has everything going for him?
What if he looks in the mirror and hates his teeth?
What if he detests his height?

What if Jane feels out of place among family and friends
because she thinks and acts differently?
What if she’s daily badmouthed because of a bad habit she struggles to overcome?

What if they receive a regular barrage of negative talk
from family, loved ones, friends, or associates?
Their self-esteem would plummet, wouldn’t it?

The Grass is no less Green on Your Side

It’s funny, isn’t it?
That you would envy another for beauty that is shallow;
the glamour that’s fleeting; riches that are ephemeral, or associations that are unstable.

Yet, these people look at you with envy, too.
They wish they could be as smart as you appear;
handle others skillfully as you do;
steer conversations confidently like you.

They wish they could do everything to switch places.
They simply wish to be as you are.

Isn’t it laughable?
That feeling of quiet desperation… that makes you wish to be somebody else.
It leads to a loss of self-esteem, self-respect, and confidence.
It dashes your hopes of ever striving to improve your situation in life.

Self-improvement is a Key to Sustained Happiness

What you envy in others is simply a perception.
And it’s not your reality.

Why wring your hands about what you don’t have?
Why agonize over who you can’t be?

Do you desire to have lovelier things?
Do you want to enjoy an awesome life?
Then, consult with trusted advisers or friends.
Let them suggest areas where you can improve, and how.

Ask questions.
Learn new things
Work out solutions.
Develop new skills.
And, become a much-improved version of your splendid self.

Oh… so, you have always been that way?
That doesn’t mean you should always remain like that.
Take action to improve yourself.
Open up new doors of experience.
Enter new areas of opportunities.
You will then be able to truly motivate, inspire, and provoke others to succeed.

When you engage in self-talk, eliminate regrets.
Concentrate and see yourself mentally as a first-class citizen.
Accept yourself for who and what you are.
And, love yourself.

Do you feel the need to compare yourself with another?
Consider this instead:
What and where were you?
What and where are you now?
What and where do you aspire to?
And, constantly make improvements in your life.

You, like many people, will often feel insecure.
That, however, shouldn’t condemn you to a life of sadness.
Accept and love yourself.
And you’ll be happy.

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Please, drop them in the comments section below.

Coming up next
How To Really Reduce Stress Using The Law of Attraction