5 Sure-Fire Tips To Avoid Negativity In Life


You will experience negativity at
some point in your life.
This can happen at work, at home,
or even on the playground.

The question is… can you avoid negative thoughts?
Can you change them to positive ones?
Is it possible for you to be positive in hostile situations?
This might sound difficult if not impossible.

Yet, you can remain positive
regardless of the situation.

Learn how to think positively.
Positive thinking can keep
you optimistic in adversity.

Learn how to change that negative
energy to a positive one.
You can then use this positive energy
to create a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Here Are 5 Sure-Fire Tips To Avoid Negativity In Your Life
Keep these five main tips in mind.
You will see the positive and find something to cheer you up no matter the situation.

1. Keep the Company of Positive People
You’ll remain positive if you associate with positive people.
Stay off negative people so that their
negativity doesn’t rub off on you.
The more you associate with negative people,
the more cynical you can become.

2. Be Grateful for the Good
During negative situations,
you’ll often think of the good things in your life.
Talk about the good.
Express gratitude for them.
Make a habit of discussing the good
things that happen to you.
This will help you not to focus on the bad.
Maintain a journal of the
good things you do every day.
This activity will help nurture
gratitude in the heart and mind
regardless of the circumstances.

3. Acknowledge and Accept Your Mistakes
Did you mess up?
Take responsibility.
Did you achieve something great?
Reward yourself.
Don’t blame others for what you did wrong.
This will only attract negative energy to you.
Simply take the situation for what it is.
Then, move ahead.

4. Don’t Bring Drama into Your Life.
Drama is not a pleasant or happy trait to have.
Don’t cause drama in your life.
Keep away from dramatic people.
Don’t get involved in gossip.
It does no good but creates negative vibes.

5. Be Kind and Considerate.
Be considerate and kind.
And you won’t have time for negative thoughts.
Do several acts of random kindness daily.
This will sustain you in a joyous mood.
And, you’ll get rewarded for
your kind words and deeds.


Negativity abounds in life.
You’ll find negative people at jolly events.
You’ll see them at festivities.
It’s important, therefore, that you become a power-house of positive thinking.
This will assure you a healthy and happy life.
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