This Painting "Lagos Symphony" is Available for Sale @NKOYO, Ceddi Plaza. Please Call INI BROWN for Bargains. 08023277734, 09032793869.
It is 22” x 30” without frame, and 28” x 36” with frame.
Price: $1,500 or #600k

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This Painting "Lagos Symphony" is Available for Sale @NKOYO, Ceddi Plaza. Please Call INI BROWN for Bargains. 08023277734, 09032793869.
It is 22” x 30” without frame, and 28” x 36” with frame.
Price: $1,500 or #600k
This Painting "Lagos Symphony" is Available for Sale @NKOYO, Ceddi Plaza. Please Call INI BROWN for Bargains. 08023277734, 09032793869.
It is 22” x 30” without frame, and 28” x 36” with frame.
Price: $1,500 or #600k
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