

Making apple based products
Apple jam, apple fruit rolls, apple perfume, apple dry snaks, glased apple sweets, apple insence, apple juice, painting apples, apple powder for tea or dry juice, replanting the apple seeds for later harvest, apple colour for painting ??


My first impulse is to start typing which should be normal as the text post place is requesting I say " what's going on"

I am having to click on things like "all" and what follows after is "text" people wouldn't understand this complexity as people just want to get going on things

IT people should stop trying to entertain themselves if that's the psychology cos numbers after a time starts showing in the bank account where people have spent money being logged on

I will post a picture of the scream on what I mean with what I said

Why should my user name be a number am I to start framing numbers?
User name is the name a person registers in n the first place


What can we create together as a team? There can be no achievement without a team. Even God had a team, thus: Let Us now make man........

StartUpSity News changed her profile cover
3 yrs


Cowboy Free Zone


Go Carbon Neutral

StartUpSity News changed her profile picture
3 yrs
